Road Safety Inspection of 35 Critical Sectors - IIRSA Norte
The Project...
TRANSIS staff did a road safety inspection of 35 critical sectors distributed within 4 sections administrated by the concessionaire entity, IIRSA Norte. These sections are: Section 1 (Tarapoto – Yurimaguas), Section 2 (Rioja – Tarapoto), Section 3 (Corral Quemado – Rioja) y Section 4 (División Olmos – Corral Quemado).
This road safety inspection´s main objective was to identify risks for the operation of the concessioned highway, these risks could be a result of characteristics of the road such as geotechnic and geological factors, geometric design, road operation or signage.
This report documents every situation of risk identified on site for each independent critical sector. Additionally, a technical solution is proposed on a conceptual level for each observation based on regulations in force. The structure and methodology of this road safety inspection is based on the Peruvian road safety manual “Manual de Seguridad Vial 2017”.
May 2021

Observation: Sinking and displacement

Solution for temporary signage